
5 Pro Tips to Help Your Messages Stand Out in Connections

Build brand awareness early with 10th and 11th graders to help your school stand out among competitors.

The BigFuture School™ app is live; more than a million students have signed up to hear from you through Connections™ this fall—and it doesn't stop there. With Connections, you'll engage with the growing number of students who take in-school assessments, including the PSAT/NMSQT® and SAT School Day.

Eligible higher education institutions with a College Board Search Access Plan can communicate with students through Connections once they create a Connections profile, select their audiences, and publish at least one communication plan.

Three students walking looking at their cell phones

Here are five pro tips to help your messages stand out in Connections:

1. Work smarter, not harder. 

We know you’re busy. Use your emails or social media posts that have performed well recently as the basis for new content in your Connections communication plan.

2. Make it personal. 

Students are more likely to engage with a message tailored to them. If you’ve segmented your outreach in Connections based on state, graduation year, major, gender, or other factors, use this info to share content most relevant to those audiences.

3. Start early! 

Students in 10th and 11th grades using BigFuture School are very interested in learning what they can do to prepare for college—engage them now when they’re most eager for information. Build brand awareness early by reaching younger students with content to help them start their college planning.

4. Create bold titles.

Students will see message titles (like email subject lines) in Connections. Apply what you've learned from drafting email subject lines to the messages you create for Connections to catch their eye with something intriguing and concise.

5. Think about the journey. 

Your communication plan should tell students a story. Space your messages over days, prompting students to return for more information. Consider what’s essential to these students now based on their grades, the College Board assessment they just took, and where they are in the school year.  


Remember—you can build and publish communication plans throughout your subscription. There’s no need to worry about having all 10 plans ready on day 1. Students started receiving messages on November 6. Publish at least one communication plan to start connecting with them.

Get Started on Your Communications Plans