Higher Education

Professional Development and Training

Find College Board events, workshops, and training opportunities developed to help advance the careers of higher education professionals.

National Events

Mark your calendars and join your peers at College Board national events throughout the year, including Forum, AP Annual Conference, Prepárate™, A Dream Deferred™, NASAI, and more.

Explore Training Opportunities

Below you will find a variety of additional training and professional development resources covering a range of topics such as college and career readiness assessments, access and diversity, recruitment and enrollment guidance, financial aid services, and more.

Access and Diversity Advocacy

Explore information and tools that higher education institutions need to develop and implement policies for educational access and diversity. 

College Board Assessments

Find professional development and training opportunities to help you learn more about each test offering and its features, develop enrollment and placement policies, and administer College Board Assessments.

Enrollment Leadership Academy

The Enrollment Leadership Academy (ELA) is a year-long program focused on leadership skills, strategic enrollment management, and developing the next generation of enrollment leaders. Find out how you can nominate a colleague to join the next ELA cohort.

ELA is a great option for someone who wants to expand their network, develop a more fine-tuned understanding of the enrollment management landscape, and gain confidence as they make their next career move.

Jenna H, Associate Dean of Admissions and Director of Communications

Learning of the challenges, successes, and innovative solutions to complex problems has changed how I approach my work.

Brian W, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions

ELA connected me with lifelong networks and exposed me to more about the world of enrollment management then I would have done at my own institution or a conference.

Lindsey S, Director of Undergraduate Admissions

CSS Profile / IDOC

Find live and recorded webinars, in-person workshops, and other helpful information available to current users. Links below may require Resource Center log in.

College Board Search

Hone your enrollment strategies with these key resources for using College Board Search at your institution.

Net Price Calculator (NPC)

Use these Net Price Calculator resources to help give your prospects a clear and complete picture of what they'll pay to attend your college.


Use our online training and help resources to become a PowerFAIDS power user in no time.

Professional Development Series

Our series of online professional development modules provide information about College Board programs and services, as well as information about the enrollment profession.