Low and Moderate Budgets for Developing Student Expense Budgets

The base budgets for the United States for the years of 2023-24 and 2024-25 are:

  2023-24 2024-25
Moderate (Prevailing) Budgets
12-Month $33,520 $35,190
9-Month $25,140 $26,390
Low Budgets
12-Month $22,460 $23,580
9-Month $16,840 $17,680

The approximate breakdown of the living expense component is as follows:

  2023-24 2024-25
Total Housing: 53%

Housing/Utilities (70%)

Food (30%)

Housing/Utilities (70%)

Food (30%)
Transportation expenses 11% 11%
Miscellaneous  36% 35%

These budgets are useful tools that will help you:

  • Develop expense budgets for your independent commuting students
  • Prepare debt management materials
  • Exercise professionals judgment