These Features Help You Work Smarter

Nationwide, two in three graduating students join Search—and more opt in every day. Our tools and supports will help you make the most of your Access Plan. Choose features to match your goals and budget.

Power Your Strategy with These Standard Features

These features are included in all Access Plans.

Core Search Filters

Access a minimum of 5,000 Search records, including filters for geography, demographics, College Board exams, and zip code.

Interest in My College

Reach students at the time they're most engaged with college planning. Students who add your school to their BigFuture college list are 10 times as likely to apply.

National Recognition Programs

Connect with academically achieving students to boost your recruitment. Awarded students are the top 10% of test takers in their communities: Top in School, African American, First Generation, Hispanic, Indigenous, and Rural/Small Town.

Landscape Context

Identify students who live in environments with increased levels of educational challenge based on attributes including college attendance, median family income, and education levels.

Additional Advanced Features

Choose a subscription with the features you’ll need or add features á la carte.

Connections Print

Complement your digital campaigns with direct mail pieces, choosing from a variety of products. Schools participating in a pilot program saw interest in their school rise by three times their typical response rate.

Interest In My Peers

Connect with students who are more likely to enroll because they’re interested in similar institutions. Customize up to five peer groups of similar institutions.

Parent Contacts

Connect directly with parents who have opted in to be part of their student’s college search. You’ll receive a parent’s first name, last name, and email address for any student with a participating parent on record.

Segment Analysis Service™

Get a more complete picture of your various student segments with this data-tagging service. Identify prospective students with information based on where they live and go to high school. This insight will help you align your enrollment efforts to the characteristics of these segments.

Student Plans and Preferences

Use information students share with College Board to better target your outreach, including interest in ROTC, educational aspirations, religious choice, and financial aid programs.

Need Help?

Schedule a consultation to discuss the best options to support your goals and budget.