
Features to Help You Work Smarter

The scale you expect paired with features you'll value. Nationwide, two in three graduating students join Search—and more opt in every day. Our tools and supports will help you make the best use of Search’s scale. And you'll have the ability to match features to your goals and budget.

Benefits included in all Access Plan subscriptions:

Core Search filters like Geography, Demographics, and College Board Exams—plus zip code searching—are included in all Access Plans. And, all plans include the following advanced benefits to power your searches:

  • Interest In My College

    Students who have added your school to their BigFuture college list are much more likely—10 times as likely—to apply. Our Interest in My College (IMC) filter allows you to start conversations based on mutual interest and is available as an easy-to-use filter for all Search users, regardless of their subscription plan(s). Search is dynamic—thousands of students build college lists and opt in to College Board Search each week. Many institutions will have new handraisers on a regular basis. With IMC, you can reach these students at the time they're most engaged with college planning.

  • National Recognition Programs

    Broaden your outreach by connecting with underrepresented students who have been awarded National Recognition. College Board's recognition programs award academic honors to those who identify as African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous/Native American, first-generation, or attend high school in a rural area or small town.

  • Landscape Context

    Landscape Context helps colleges identify and promote access to students who live in neighborhoods with a higher level of challenge related to educational opportunities and outcomes. The Neighborhood Challenge filter, derived for use in Search from Landscape®, identifies students who live in environments with increased levels of educational challenge based on attributes including college attendance, median family income, and education levels. The SAT Scores in Context filter connects you with students who have an SAT score above the 75th percentile of their peers attending the same high school (based on a 3-year average). This information will be available on the Search output file once your order has been processed.

Additional advanced features:

Choose an Access Plan that includes the features you're looking for or add features á la carte.

  • Interest In My Peers

    Connect with students who are more likely to enroll because they’ve demonstrated interest in similar institutions. Customize up to five peer groups of similar institutions and use this filter to connect with students who have added those institutions to their BigFuture college list. These groups of 5–20 peer institutions can be used to filter a Search order, and the associated peer group information will be available on the Search output file once your order has been processed.

  • Parent Contacts

    Parents and caring adults play a key role in many students’ college decisions. Connect directly with parents who have opted in to be part of their student’s college search using our Parent Contacts feature. You can filter by students who have a participating parent on record, and you’ll also receive parent contact information (first name, last name, and email address) on the Search output file for any student who has a participating parent on record.

  • Living Record

    Once you’ve licensed a student record, you’ll have access to updated details about the student as they engage with College Board over time. Personalize your outreach using updated student details including students’ contact information, their parent contact information, Interest in My College status, National Recognition Program status, or changes to their HS/AI Code. You can download this updated information in a unique Living Record file as soon as it's available in Search.

  • Student Plans and Preferences

    Use information students share with College Board about their future plans and preferences to better target your outreach. You’ll now find some of this information on the Search output file (including interest in ROTC, educational aspirations, religious choice, and interest in financial aid programs) once your order has been processed.

  • Segment Analysis Service 

    Learn more about your students with this data-tagging service that helps you identify prospective students with information based on where they live and where they go to high school. Segment Analysis Service’s Educational Neighborhood and High School cluster tags leverage data on millions of students and thousands of high schools to provide a more complete picture of your various student segments. This insight will help you align your enrollment efforts to the characteristics of these segments.

  • Search Optimization Service

    Search Optimization Service helps your institution get the most value from Search. Choose from a range of supplemental support offerings like order audits, advanced Segment Analysis guidance, exclusive events, and custom reporting—we can even build Search orders for you. Search Optimization Service is great for institutions without enrollment manager vendor support or those looking for additional strategic guidance and insights uniquely provided by the College Board. Search Optimization Service reporting can be tailored to your needs and to complement your existing practices.


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